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Flame & Gas
Toxicity Mapping Assessment

The use of fire and gas mapping clearly defines the risk and the precautions needed to be able to detect fires and gas releases.
The methods used allow the designer to optimize the design and achieve the best possible balance between safety and economy.
This practice improves safety and reduces operating costs by ensuring that the number of devices used is minimized while the required level of safety is achieved.
The guidance therefore focuses on the target accumulations or releases which would aim to be detected. As it is virtually impossible to detect all gas leaks, the risk assessment focuses on the type of accumulations and releases which could develop to an explosion hazard, for example an accumulation of flammable gas within a heavily congested and confined processing area
How It Works
Comprehensive flame and gas detector modeling using crucial plant input data such as 3D layouts, fire grades and relevant standards. Experienced fire safety engineers identify, assess and execute the modeling software and obtain the recommended flame detector positioning within the plant area.
Multiple fire grades and gas cloud sizes are considered in the mapping studies that are visualized by different color grading in the report. The generated report also identifies gaps within the proposed detector quantities and provides suggestions to close them and achieve optimum coverage for all equipment and plant area.
What We Do
Modelling gas detection following a leak is a difficult task, since gas dispersion depends on a large number of variables such as process conditions, hole size, ventilation conditions, impingement, release position and direction.
Our assessment utilizes geographical gas mapping methodology avoiding complexity by considering a reference cloud of fixed dimension. HazMap 3D software has advanced algorithms to determine the optimal positions and orientations of detectors while reducing the number of devices required to obtain chosen performance criteria.
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